Okay, so I did end up dropping Petra II after all. She had been sitting next to my sewing machine for a few weeks, and I realized that the thrill of getting to leave her as a toy drop was too much to resist.
I left her in a new park this time - Veteran's Memorial Field in Issaquah. There is an adorable little playground there, tucked between City Hall, a senior center, and a play field. My little hedgehog looked almost at home there - she'll be 100% at home when she goes home with a new family. :)
omgosh! Did you have a tutorial for the hedgie? He is soooo stinkin cute! He would be perfect for an ornie swap I host....
Yarni Gras!, you bet! The tutorial comes from Matsutake:
I used felt for Petra, because it made her so cuddly and it saved me the extra step of having to fold over the ruffles to hide the seams. Happy sewing!