I am all about color, and in these dark, gray days of January I find that I'm in need of bright spots of color more than ever.
Enter Waldorf window stars. For those of you not in the know, Waldorf education is a philosophy of education that emphasizes creativity and imagination. Personally, I don't have any experience with Waldorf schools and so have no opinion about their efficacy, but I do love so many of the arts and crafts that come out of these classrooms.
I found the tutorial for these stars on Garden Mama, and the kite paper at Palumba. Kite paper is basically colorful waxed paper. I wanted to get the "all colors" kite paper, but Palumba is out of stock for now. Instead I went with the other set, which includes primary colors, green, and white.
I've also been experimenting with cutting the paper down to get smaller stars. I want to put these stars everywhere. The photos don't do them justice at all - in person the colors are more varied and subtle, and the waxiness of the paper makes them shimmer and glow in the window. I highly recommend these stars as an antidote to the January grays!
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